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Monday 9 April 2012

Steve Gullick

23rd January - Steve Gullick

Steve Gullick introduced the Governing body. He talked about the roles of the governing body and the areas they have to cover in terms of education. One of their main ‘jobs’ focuses on conducting the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This means that their main priorities should be looking at the best outcome for achievement and standards at the school. They set appropriate school targets for pupil achievement at Key stage 2, 3 and 4. The Governing body much take general responsibility for the way the school in run such as school uniform, times in school e.g. 9-3. They also have a large responsibility of managing the schools budget and making sure the curriculum for the school is balanced and broadly based in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught. They are responsible for the staff complement and pay policy for the school, participating in the discipline of staff and appointment of the head teacher etc and also drawing up an action plan after an inspection.

A governing body mainly consists of parents followed by the local educational authority, teachers, staff, the community and sometimes the Head teacher. It can consist of anyone who is an expert or who have a ‘stake’ in the school.

One major question concerning Governing bodies, is the decision of whether they should be paid, or have it kept as voluntary work.   

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