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Monday 23 April 2012

For the ICT project I had quite a few ideas about what theme I could use for 'A sense of place'. I was thinking about doing something personal, such as 'My life' but then struggled to find different paths I could take with that theme. I thought maybe I could do my family, friends, University, hobbies, job etc but then nothing that I feel I could go into depth with.
Another idea which I quite liked was 'Memories'. However with this theme I thought it would only rely on my own memories and I would struggle to find enough detail in terms of what they mean to different people. The theme of 'Home' also came into my mind but I felt as though it would be quite a restricting idea to do a project on.

I also asked people what they thought of when I say a sense of place. Most people said places such as home, or somewhere significant in their town which I felt was not the right theme for me to do my projecto on. I needed something more deep, meaningful to me and can make almost anyone feel as though they have their own 'A sense of place'.

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