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Monday 13 February 2012

Today in our visual communications lesson we talked about our project. Now I know that rather than just doing our project on anything, we have to think of something that links with 'A sense of place', so although this could still be very broad, it focuses the project a lot more. We can link something for our project which has relevance to a sense of place. As we talked about in class, this could be somewhere that holds memories, somewhere that makes you feel safe (perhaps your home), somewhere that holds meaning to you (perhaps a church), even somewhere like the nightlife in University which most students have the experience of and maybe just being around family or friends where people feel happy and content. Basically, a sense of place can vary from person to person and does not even just have to be a place, and as long as an idea like this is portrayed in my project then is should be okay.


This sprung a couple of ideas into my head. For example I could do my home town. I could inculude where i live, what happens there, what is in my home town, the people in my home town etc. The most prominent idea which I've though of doing is music, and what it means to me and other people. It is sometimes where people feel safe and get lost in their own world through listening and playing music. Music can show so many different emotions and depth and I hope I can develop this in my project. 

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