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Tuesday 17 January 2012

ICT Lecture 10/01/12

Last week in our ICT lecture we started to make a class movie. We were put into 4 groups, each with a specific aspect of University to do the movie on. My group had 'the people' so we had a video camera to capture all examples of 'the people' in University. We walked around the Uni, videoing students, lecturers, dinner ladies, librarians etc who make up the people of our University. We then transferred the footage onto movie maker, where we added music and edited the footage into a film, ready to show our class the next week.

In keeping with the Christmas theme, we could use websites such as blogger to tell the story of the nativity. We could do a daily account of the events that took place at that time or even an hourly account of the events, to make a more accurate story. For example we could write how the three wise men came to visit the baby Jesus and even have a picture of them with their gifts. This idea could set the nativity play out clearly and simple making it easier for everyone to understand the story of the nativity.

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