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Tuesday 24 January 2012

This week our timetable changed which meant instead of ICT we started having visual communications as part of our course. The first half of our first lesson we had, we looked at and had to think images and what they represent. There are 3 main areas for this, audience, object and artist. For Braces bread, the object would be the bread itself, the audience would be the consumers, so people who eat this type of bread and the artist would be the people who created the image and product that is Braces bread. Another example is advertisements on television which are aimed at a certain audience i.e. pampers nappies are aimed towards parents with babies.

In the second half of the lesson we looked at some example the lecture had of what images and videos represent. We were showed several images of things which have purpose behind them. We did this for several images, with the famous painting of 'The Scream'.

We also watched a video of 'The Big Shave 1968' which was of a man shaving in his pure white bathroom, and the second time he shaved he began to bleed and yet he carried on shaving until his face was covered in his own blood. I found this hard to watch, however I found out that it was to show criticism towards America's engagement in the Vietnam war.