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Monday 31 October 2011

Reflective Learning

I can't say that I have ever consciously thought about my own reflective learning, however sometimes I think I do it without even knowing about it.
Reflective learning looks at the different areas of learning. A good reflective learner looks at areas such as what they are learning, how they are using what they are learning, the strengths and weaknesses of their learning and also how they can improve and build on their learning process. This can help them to focus on their development as an effective independent learner and by thinking about their learning and writing things down, it can help to clarify thoughts and emotions.

I reflect on my own learning by talking about what I have just learnt to others. For example sometimes I talk to my friends about the new things we have learnt after a lecture and what maybe could have been better, without realising that this is actually a part of reflective learning!

Any form of reflective learning should be involved in order to achieve the best in any area of learning :)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Reflective Learning Brainstorming - Bubble

My brainstorming mind map for 'Reflective Learning' using a website ''. This would be a very useful website to use with my project.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

My first blog :)

My name is Laura and I am 18 years old. I am currently attending Swansea Metropolitan University studying Education with the hope of becoming a Primary School teacher at the end of it :) I have always wanted this career as I love children and want them to have a positive school experience just like I did.
I have amazing family and friends!!

I've never blogged before so i'll leave it at that for now! :)